вторник, 17 сентября 2013 г.

How We Celebrated International Dot Day

The lesson started with the discussion what  the dot is (before the listening to the story).
Then we listened to the story and Ss told their ideas on what  the dot  is (after listening to the story).

So the ideas what the dot is...
- a part of comma,
- the end of the sentence,
- an eye,
- our Universe,
- hot point,
- the type of drawing,
- finish,
- new start,
- creativity,
- lifestyle,
- birth/death
- finding person's way.

This is how we created our own masterpieces:

Then we looked at the masterpieces of puantitism by Georges Seurat

воскресенье, 15 сентября 2013 г.

International Dot Day

Celebrate Creativity,
Courage & Collaboration!

Dot Day September 15, 2013

Imagine the power and potential of a million people all around the world connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires and invites. I hope you will join the growing global community of creativity champions using their talents, gifts and energy to move the world to a better place.