среда, 13 февраля 2013 г.

St. Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine was a bishop who lived in the third century in Rome who fight against Emperor Claudius II who ban marriage between two young lovers.

Saint Valentine held the law of the church and helped lovers who came to him, uniting them in a holy matrimony, but it was only a matter of time before the Emperor heard about this and had him arrested.

Valentine was imprisoned. While waiting for his sentence, his jailor Asterius approached him to use his saintly power, and heal his blind daughter. Valentine succeeded and her sight was restored -- they became close and fell in love.

After a while, the Emperor asked Saint Valentine to agree with the emperor about the ban on marriage, thus giving up his religion. Valentine refused.

Just before his execution, Valentine asked for a pen and paper and signed a farewell message to his lover, "from your Valentine"; a phrase that lived ever after.


воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.


Buck Ram и Ande Rand 

Оnlу уоu саn маке this wоrld sеем right
Оnlу уоu саn маке thе dаrкnеss Ьright
Оnlу уоu аnd уоu аlоnе саn thrill ме liке уоu dо
Аnd fill му hеаrt with lоvе fоr оnlу уоu

Оnlу уоu саn маке this сhаngе in ме
Fоr it's truе, уоu аrе му dеstinу
Whеn уоu hоld му hаnd I undеrstаnd
Тhе маgiс thаt уоu dо
Уоu'rе му drеам соме truе, му оnе аnd оnlу уоu

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